Friday, May 30, 2008

Getting old is for the birds...

I am breaking off the designing and freebies off of this blog, as I have started a new one since joining DigiScrapStation. If you are interested in taking a peek over there, here is the link: I am going to keep this one up for personal items… I think my first topic will be age!! (ugh) I won’t even go into the hard time I am having with my up coming birthday (it is still almost a month away), and my older two will be 20 & 22 later this year, but my baby Brad is turning SIX on Sunday!! I just can’t believe that. He was sitting on my lap a couple of weeks ago, and I was hugging him and I said I wish he didn’t have to grow up so fast. He actually got upset, and looked at me and said "But mom, I want to grow up and get big!!" Here is my most recent layout of him, just last week when he lost his first tooth. Now his other bottom one is getting very lose, so he will be without both until they grow in. Hope you like it and have a wonderful weekend!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Life gets in the way

I know I promised a little freebie for you today, but sometimes life just gets in the way! I was all set to finish it up after my little one’s tee ball game, but then there was this unfortunate mishap with a squirrel and the transformer, and I was without power for about 3 hours last night… everyone for two blocks around my house was without power. I spoke with more neighbors last night then I think I have in two months. When the power went off, everyone wandered out of their houses to see what was going on. I am going to try to get it finished up tonight!!

But if you still want something for free, then pop on over to our new store Not only are most items 50% off, but they have some great freebies also. There is a chocolate chip mega kit, free just for signing up in the forums, and talking a little with us. Can’t wait to see you over there! Have a great Friday afternoon

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Grand Opening Celebration!!

Do you want to win a 2 gb Flash Drive?? It is easy, all you have to do is participate in our grand opening celebrations at our new digital scrapbooking website,, and your name will be entered into the drawing! It is that simple, and as a bonus, as you look around and join us in the fun, you will be eligible to receive some great grand opening freebies. It is a win-win situation! How cool is that!

And check back here, as I have a grand opening freebie planned that will be really great! I should have it up tomorrow… also, during the grand opening celebration, my whole store will be on sale 50% off, until the end of the day the 18th.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Grand Opening - May 15th

The grand opening of DigiScrapStation has been set for May 15th. It is National Chocolate Chip Cookie day, and all the designers have been working to put together a Mega kit freebie!! You need to come by and check us out! There will be plenty of cookies for everyone who stops by!!
My contribution to the Mega Kit is a cute melted chocolate alpha! You can see the preview here, but you can’t get it until Thursday, and then only at

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Great News

After reading the forums over at, I am not so sure I will be moving on to round 2 of the So You Think You Can Design contest. There is a lot of competition over there, and several established designers. But while I will be dissapointed if I don't make at least round 2 (because I thought I did good with my submission) it won't worry me too much. I am too happy!!

I have great news, I just signed a contract to design for a brand new website. It isn't even really open yet, and it already seems like it is going to be fun. In a coulple of days when I have everything set up and my work in the store, I will be back here to post the link to the website so you can come over and check everything out! Hope to see you over there! If it takes off like I think it will, it will be great getting in on the ground floor.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So You Think You Can Design - Week 1

Reading the blog of one of my favorite designers, I followed her to, and came across this contest. Now I know I am not as good as some of the "designers" who are entering this contest, but I couldn't help myself from trying out. The good thing is it promises to give CC to whom ever wants it. I would really love to get better!! Here is a preview of the kit I submitted for week 1.

It is available to download for free here. Urban Attitude. All I ask is that you let me know what you think... Hope everything is going great for you, and I will try to keep up with this blog a little better than I have been!