Friday, May 16, 2008

Life gets in the way

I know I promised a little freebie for you today, but sometimes life just gets in the way! I was all set to finish it up after my little one’s tee ball game, but then there was this unfortunate mishap with a squirrel and the transformer, and I was without power for about 3 hours last night… everyone for two blocks around my house was without power. I spoke with more neighbors last night then I think I have in two months. When the power went off, everyone wandered out of their houses to see what was going on. I am going to try to get it finished up tonight!!

But if you still want something for free, then pop on over to our new store Not only are most items 50% off, but they have some great freebies also. There is a chocolate chip mega kit, free just for signing up in the forums, and talking a little with us. Can’t wait to see you over there! Have a great Friday afternoon

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